MOVAX mFleetCare™ is a total service solution intended to maximise the productivity and the quality of the piling work when using MOVAX piling equipment through operational excellence and availability.

MOVAX mFleetCare addresses all aspects of ensuring the highest possible availability and the best practises when operating the MOVAX piling equipment.

MOVAX mFleetCare


The goal of MOVAX mFleetCare is to ensure the maximum availability of the MOVAX piling equipment and to provide the operator with the required skills and best practices - and with superior support in all conditiona and at all times - thus enabling the operator to perform the work with the highest productivity, accuracy and quality.


The MOVAX way-of-piling provides an inherently faster, more efficient, accurate and safe way of performing the piling work resulting in higher productivity and significant overall time and cost savings.


The productivity is dependent on the skills and capabilities of the operator and the availability of the MOVAX piling equipment.



The MOVAX Audit™ includes the inspection of the mechanical, hydraulic and electric components of the MOVAX piling equipment and the MOVAX Control System. As a result of the MOVAX Audit a written Inspection Report including recommendations with urgency levels for the needed maintenance & possible repair measures, and the recommended replacement, wear and spare parts needed to maintain the MOVAX piling equipment safe and productive, is generated.


Preventive maintenance will ensure the maximum availability of the MOVAX piling equipment and solve problems before they even happen.

Preventive maintenance is of utmost importance to ensure productive, reliable and safe operation of the MOVAX piling equipment.


The more skilled the operator is the higher the productivity and quality of the installation will be. Intial operator training is done during the start & commissioning of the MOVAX piling equipment.


Installation supervision, installation and start-up & commissioning services are provided for new MOVAX piling equipment as well as for replacements or when transfering the MOVAX piling equipment and MOVAX Control System onto a new excavator.


Engineering services are provided starting from the selection of the correct piling technology or method to the selection of the correct MOVAX piling equipment model and carrier.


Movax Oy carries a large stock with the goal to be able to service customers all over the world in a speedy and timely manner. Spare parts stock is also carried by Movax Oy’s local partners to further be able to support local MOVAX user’s even faster and more efficiently.