MOVAX side grip pile drivers are available in two different configurations: with fixed eccentric moment and resonance free (V-models).
MOVAX side grip pile drivers are available in two different configurations: with fixed eccentric moment and resonance free (V-models).
Disturbances to the surrounding environments can be minimised by operating at high frequencies (typically above 38 Hz) to avoid oscillation at the natural frequencies of the surrounding structures. MOVAX SG-V-models are high frequency (38–50 Hz) resonance-free vibratory pile drivers which allow starting up and shutting down the side grip pile driver without vibration.
This is achieved by shifting the upper row eccentrics with respect to the lower row eccentrics. The total eccentric moment of the side grip pile driver can be switched from 0% during start-up to 100% during operation and back to 0% during shut down, hence resonance-free. The resonance-free start-up and shutdown means that the SG-V -models are the ideal solution when working in urban areas or in sensitive environments. In addition to safer vibration, the SG-V-models also cause less noise and are faster and more comfortable to use.